Complaints Handling Policy
We take all complaints very seriously and try to ensure all our clients, colleagues and candidates are pleased with their experience of our service. However, if a complaint is made then this Complaints Policy should ensure that it is handled as efficiently and effectively as possible.
It is our responsibility to ensure:
- We provide access to the complaints handling procedure.
- We provide an efficient, fair and clear process for handling complaints.
- To ensure communication is prioritised until a resolution is agreed upon.
- To hold regular reviews of complaints to ensure continuous improvement in the standard of our service.
How to make a complaint:
- By calling the relevant branch number (details found at
- In writing to the relevant branch address (details found at
- By emailing us on
- In person by speaking with any member of staff
Handling your complaint:
- All complaints will be acknowledged either verbally or in writing within 2 business days.
- We will attempt to resolve all complaints as quickly as possible.
- We will keep all parties informed of the progress, any proposed actions and a timeframe for resolution of the complaint.
- We will advise all parties as to the outcome of the complaint.
- Where possible, the complaint will be dealt with immediately by the relevant person.
- If necessary, the complaint will be escalated to the relevant Manager or Director.
- If a complaint is made against a specific individual (internal or external staff) then they will be notified and given the opportunity to respond.